Download Wow Classic Client

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  1. How To Download Wow Classic
  2. Wow 1.12 Client Direct Download
  3. Classic Wow 1.12.1 Client Download
  1. Voice communication over the internet. Choose the version of the client software that matches your platform. Click here to see what's new in the latest release.
  2. So WoW Classic is finally back and this video is about How To Download WoW Classic on PC For FREE 2019, windows 7,8 and 10.Link To Download it:
Version 1.36 October 27, 2020
Download Wow Classic Client
  • Aura: Update.

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Version 1.35 October 26, 2020
  • DataTexts: Fixes.
Version 1.34 October 26, 2020
  • DataBars: Quest Experience Fixes
  • DataTexts: Hit now has options.
  • Chat: Removed some uneeded retail code.
Version 1.32-1.33 October 24, 2020
  • Chat: Bnet whispers have class color again
  • DataBars: Fixed some reputation and experience DataBar issues
  • Filters: Updated default filter list
  • Map: Fixed the broken world map toggle
  • Misc: Fixed an issue when trying to inspect on Russian clients
Version 1.31 - September 7, 2020
  • UnitFrame: Config Options Missing
Version 1.30 - September 7, 2020
  • DataBars: Fixed some issues and a lua error
  • DataTexts: Fixed issues with the merge from retail code.
Version 1.29 - September 6, 2020
  • ActionBars: Fixed an issue with action paging
  • Minimap: Fixed the pixel offset on the minimap DataBar
  • Minimap: Fixed an issue with the 'Zoom Reset' option
  • DataBars: Rewritten
  • DataTexts: Customization Implementation.
  • UnitFrames: Fixed an issue with custom texts
  • UnitFrames: Fixed an issue with smart raid filter
  • Tags: Added back shortvalue Tags
Version 1.28 - September 4, 2020
  • Added an option (off by default) to allow in game profile sharing under profiles section.
Version [1.25 - 1.27] - July 12, 2020
  • ActionBars: Fixed an issue with the Stance Bar
  • Available Tags: Updated some descriptions
  • AuraBars: Fixed an issue with class color
  • CastBars: Added ChannelTicks for Blizzard (Mage)
  • CastBars: Added an option for reverse fill
  • Chat: The chat editbox now supports Blizzards chat style: IM Style
  • Chat: Fixed a bug with the chat editbox blocking DataTexts
  • Chat: Fixed a bug with class color names enable/disable
  • Chat: Added an option to disable the chat toggles (< and >)
  • Chat: Added options to custom color and/or highlight selected chat tabs
  • Commands: Added a new command /ehelp to list ElvUI commands in chat
  • CutawayBars: Cutaway colors react instantly now
  • DataTexts: Your currently assigned DataTexts have been reset due to code changes
  • DataTexts: Code rework, fixed some issues
  • DataTexts: You can now add custom panels with many new options
  • DataTexts: You can now type /hdt or mouse over with holding alt to change their assigned DataText
  • DataTexts: Added multiple options to display gold/silver/copper
  • DataTexts: The durability DataText will now flash at 30% or below
  • Filters: Added 2 new special filters: MyPet, OtherPet
  • Filters: Add or remove spell from a filter should now work how it was always meant to
  • General: Removed the custom shaman color, because it breaks stuff
  • General: Upgraded our /estatus frame
  • General: Chat bubble names no longer overlap with the border
  • General: The Mark Quest Rewards option moved to BlizzUI Improvements
  • Libraries: LibClassicDuration update
  • Libraries: LibHealComm update
  • Libraries: LibClassicCasterino update
  • NamePlates: Style Filters now support changing the nameplate tags for health, power, name, title, and level
  • NamePlates: Options have been rearranged
  • NamePlates: Fixed an error when importing profile while NamePlates are disabled
  • Skins: Fixed the 'Loot' skin
  • Skins: Fixed the 'TradeSkill' skin
  • Skins: Fixed a bug in the new Addon Manager skin
  • Skins: Updated the WorldMap dropdown menu skin
  • Skins: Added corpse tooltip skin
  • Tags: Added [name:health] which displays health lost using colors on the name text
  • Tags: Added [ElvUI-Users] which displays other cool people than yourself
  • Tags: Added [name:last] which displays only the last part of the name
  • Tags: Added a color picker in the Available Tags menu
  • Tags: Status tags will now ignore hunters feign death
  • Tooltip: Added back the option to color the tooltip border based on item quality
  • Tooltip: Added modifier options for IDs
  • UnitFrames: Fixed ReverseFill in healthprediction
  • UnitFrames: ThreatIndicator tweaks and fixes
  • UnitFrames: Lowered the min value on some Unitframes elements, mainly health
  • UnitFrames: Fixed issue which caused transparency setting to mess up the health on UnitFrames with vertical orientation and/or ReverseFill enabled
  • UnitFrames: Cutaway now works correctly on vertical orientation health UnitFrames
  • UnitFrames: Fixed the Smart Raid Filter
  • UnitFrames: Added an option to custom color aura borders
  • UnitFrames: Added frame strata options for Player, Target, Pet, etc
  • UnitFrames: Fixed the offset option for the leader indicator
Version 1.24 - March 3, 2020
  • UnitFrames: ThreatIndicator Tweaks | Removed LibThreatClassic2.
Version 1.23|1.231 - February 29, 2020
  • DataTexts: Increased load/update speed
  • Errors: Fixed 'fstack-preferParentKeys' cvar error
  • HealComm: Added back Tank/Assist heal prediction
  • Misc: Removed Auto Greed/DE completely, use a loot manager addon instead
  • NamePlates: Style Filters have been improved
  • UnitFrames: Added back Energy/Mana-Regen option
  • UnitFrames: Fixed Party Pets/Party Target size options
  • UnitFrames: ThreatIndicator tweaks
Version 1.22 - February 23, 2020
  • ActionBars: Added an option to make bars click-through
  • Auras: Added an option to enable/disable Buffs/Debuffs
  • Config: The OptionsUI has been upgraded and sections have been reorganized a bit
  • Libraries: LibSharedMedia-3.0 update
  • Minimap: You can now make the minimap even smaller
  • Tooltip: Added option to display ElvUI version of other ElvUI users into tooltip
  • UnitFrames: Buff Indicator now has its options reworked (e.g mass text toggle / mass style toggle)
Version 1.21|1.211 - January 19, 2020
  • Datatext: Gold: Shows Faction Totals in Tooltip
  • UnitFrames: Reverted 3D Portrait Change
  • UnitFrames: Buff Indicator Fixes
Version 1.20 - January 15, 2020
  • ActionBars: Fixed broken bars with Masque enabled
  • Auras: Added 'Timer only' style option for BuffIndicators
  • Available Tags: Category tweaks
  • Bags: Keyring, Bags and Bank tweaks
  • Castbars: Added Alterac Bandage ChannelTicks
  • Filters: Added BuffIndicators for Hunter Group-Aspects
  • General: Added an option to enable a sound when you get a combat ress. (BlizzUI Improvements)
  • Libraries: LibHealComm-4.0 update
  • Libraries: LibClassicCasterino update
  • Libraries: LibClassicDuration update
  • Libraries: LibActionButton-1.0 update
  • Libraries: Added LibClassicSpellActionCount-1.0
  • Libraries: Added LibTotemInfo
  • Minimap: Battleground Minimap button fixes
  • NamePlates: Fix RaidTargetIcon size bug in name-only mode
  • Skins: Tweaks
  • UnitFrames: Added an option to enable a sound if you select a unit. Disabled by default
  • UnitFrames: Show only 1 leader icon in instances / battlegrounds
  • UnitFrames: Shaman TotemBar is back
  • UnitFrames: Added x/y Offset option for RL Icon
  • UnitFrames: Fixed 'Reverse Fill' option
Version 1.19 - December 13, 2019
  • ActionBars • Stancebar fixes
  • Bags • Added Keyring to bags and Bag-Bar (WIP)
  • Bags • Added option to toggle Keyring on/off
  • Cooldown Text • Durations for weapon enchants
  • Cooldown Text • Default colors set to white
  • DataTexts • Battleground error fixes (math.lua)
  • Keybind Mode • Error fixes (static popup.lua)
  • Libraries • LibHealComm-4.0 tweaks
  • Minimap • Added options for the Battleground button
  • NamePlates • Fixed desaturate icon on buffs/debuffs
  • Skins • Battleground scoreboard skin tweaks
  • Tags • Added PvP category for Available Tags
  • Tooltip • Added option to show server names
  • UnitFrames • ThreatIndicator is now based on 'is targeted' (WIP)
Version 1.18 - December 10, 2019
  • Libraries • LibClassicCasterino update
  • Libraries • LibClassDurations update
  • Libraries • LibRangeCheck update
  • Libraries • LibHealComm-4.0 tweaks
  • Bags • Tooltip fixes, Color fixes, tweaks
  • Chat • Added /luaerror off
  • Cooldown Text • Tweaks and fixes
  • Locales • Added back italian translation
  • Map • Tweaks
  • Tags • Added pvp:rank, pvp:icon, pvp:title
  • UnitFrames • Added 'Spacing' option for Buffs/Debuffs
  • UnitFrames • Added threat indicator for TargetTarget and TargetTargetTarget
  • UnitFrames - Tank / Assist - Heal Prediction
  • UnitFrames • Default Max Duration for Filters set to 0
Version 1.17 - November 21, 2019
  • AuraBars • Color fixes
  • Bags • Tweaks and bugfixes
  • Castbars • Added 'Multi-Shot' castbar
  • Castbars • Latency fixes
  • Chat • /stopwatch command is back
  • Libraries • LibClassicCasterino update
  • Libraries • LibClassDurations update
  • Libraries • LibRangeCheck update
  • Libraries • LibHealComm-4.0 tweaks
  • NamePlates • Added 'Civilian' StyleFilter trigger
  • Skins • Trade skin bugfixes
  • Skins • Quest skin tweaks
  • Tags • Descriptions update
  • Tags • Fixed faction:icon
  • Tags • Added npctitle:brackets
Version 1.16
  • ActionBars • Added option to restore bar 1 default paging.
  • ActionBars • Added border for equipped items.
  • ActionBars • Integrate ExtraActionBars 7-10 plugin by Blazeflack.
  • Aura Bars • Fix color/size/filter issues.
  • Auras • Integrate VisualAuraTimers by Blazeflack.
  • Castbars • Added option to set text color.
  • Castbars • Added haste check for hunter casts (Rapid Fire, Quick Shots)
  • Castbars • Added channel ticks for 'Hurricane'
  • Castbars • Added channel ticks for 'First Aid'
  • Cooldown Text • Added options to color time indicators seperately.
  • Filters • Updated, spell ID fixes.
  • HealComm • Heal Prediction is back. (WIP)
  • Libraries • LibClassicDurations update.
  • Libraries • LibClassicCasterino update.
  • NamePlates • Tanking plates style filter fixes.
  • OptionsUI • New layout for action bars, nameplate and unitframe options.
  • Quests • Added option to mark most valuable quest reward with a gold coin.
  • Skins • Guild skin tweaks.
  • Skins • Trade skin tweaks.
  • Tags • Added [faction:icon] tag.
  • UnitFrames • Added option to restore visibility defaults.
  • UnitFrames • Added class icon option for portraits.
  • UnitFrames • Integrate CastBarOverlay by Blazeflack
  • UnitFrames • Added threat indicator option for Unitframes.
Version 1.15
  • Libraries - LibClassicCasterino
  • Libraries - LibClassicDurations
  • Libraries - Removed LibClassicHealComm - License Conflicts (I obtained the license a little bit ago so I will be working on it)
  • Filters - Updated. Credits Luckyone & Catskull
  • UnitFrames - Power Strata/Level Fix
  • UnitFrames - Energy / Mana Regen Tweaks
  • UnitFrames - AuraBars Rework
  • UnitFrames - Buff Indicator Rework (Durations are added)
  • UnitFrames - Castbar Channel Ticks
  • UnitFrames - Raid Leader / Master Looter / Assist options added to Target
  • Cooldown Text - 2 secs for it to activate text.
  • Auras - Optimization Fixes
  • AutoAccept - Suppress Popup
  • Chat - Repeat History is back.
  • Skins - More Skin Tweaks
  • Config - Available Tags Section Added
  • Tooltip - NPC Classification Fix
Version 1.14
  • Libraries - LibClassicCasterino
  • Libraries - LibClassicHealComm
  • Minimap - Shift code around earlier to fix buttons.
  • Tags - New Tags | reactioncolor
  • Filters - Updated. Credits Luckyone & Catskull
  • UnitFrames - Leader/MasterLooter Indicator on Target
  • UnitFrames - Resurrect Icon on Player & Target
  • UnitFrames - Energy / Mana Regen Tweaks
  • UnitFrames - Totem Bar
  • Alerts - Blizzard Group Loot Roll is back on Mover.
  • Skins - More Skin Tweaks
  • Bags - Count Color Fixed
  • Bags - Specialty Bags Color Toggle
  • Tooltip - Mob Difficulty Color
Version 1.13
  • Libraries - LibClassicCasterino
  • Libraries - LibClassicHealComm
  • Tags - Fixed Power & Mana to hide at 0
  • Tags - New Tags | status:icon | status:text
  • Filters - Updated. Credits Luckyone
  • Nameplates - Power Fixes
  • Nameplates - StyleFilters Enabled
  • UnitFrames - Fixed AuraBar Filtering
  • UnitFrames - Spell Range for Priest
  • UnitFrames - Resurrect Icon
  • UnitFrames - Raid Roles (MasterLoot & Leader) on Player
  • UnitFrames - MT / MA Updated
  • UnitFrames - Energy / Mana Regen Added
  • UnitFrames - Power Prediction Fixed
  • Skins - More Skin Tweaks
  • Minimap - Set Size for Square Minimap on Load
  • Bags - Specialty Bags Colors Updated.
  • Bags - Item Level Fixed
  • DataTexts - Added Hit / Spell HIt / Spell Crit
Version 1.12
  • DataTexts - AttackPower
  • DataBars - Pet Experience Bar Tweaks
  • Minimap - Fixed Minimap Shape
  • Nameplates - Blizzard Friendly Nameplates work in instances again.
  • Skins - Tweaks
  • Tags - Added name:abbrev
  • Pixel Perfect should work again.
Version 1.10 - 1.11
  • Libraries - HealComm, ClassicDurations
  • Minimap - Skinned Tracking Icon
  • Quest Tracker - Quests are now Clickable
  • DataTexts - Ammo
  • DataBars - Added Pet Experience Bar
  • ActionBar - Micro Bar issues fixed.
  • Skins - Tweaks
  • Tags - Added MobInfo Support | Added ':shortvalue' tags for health, power & mana.
  • Filters - RaidDebuffs & BuffIndicator : Credits Luckyone
  • Maps - Now able to toggle off World Map Enhancements
Version 1.09
  • Libraries - HealComm, ClassicDurations, ClassicCasterino, UnitRange, DebuffHighlight
  • ActionBar - Button Flash Option Added
  • DataTexts - Ammo & Guild
  • Raid & Party - Loot Roll, Master Looter & Raid Utility
  • Quest Timer Mover
  • Skins - Tweaks
Version 1.08
  • RealMobHealth Compatibility
  • Tags - Difficulty Color | [classification:icon]
  • Bags - Sort Bank Added
  • UnitFrames - Range & Fader | HealComm | RaidDebuff | DebuffHighlight | Tank | Assist | Portrait
  • ActionBars - Taxi Button
Version 1.07

How To Download Wow Classic

  • Updated LibClassicDurations
  • Movers - Added Durability Mover
  • Loot - Update Icon used for Empty Slot
Version 1.06
  • Update LibClassicCasterino.
Version 1.05
  • CastBar - Fixed Pushback & Interrupted
  • World Map - Resizable
  • Skins - Update Craft | AH | Quest | Gossip | TradeSkill
  • MiniMap - Changed Max Size
  • UnitFrames & Nameplates - Enabled Elements: Phase | PvP | Assist | Leader | Master Looter | Cutaway
Version 1.04
  • Integrated LibClassicCasterino & LibClassicDurations
  • Skins - Update StyleButton
  • MiniMap - Changed Max Size
  • UnitFrames - Druid Combo Points start with Claw
  • MiniMap - Get rid of tracking since it doesn't exist in Classic ( Right Click )
  • DataTexts - Crit | Haste | Armor
  • Chat - Voice Chat Button Skinned & Chat Shadows
Version 1.03
  • UnitFrames - Disable Fader
  • Skins - Fix StyleButton
Version 1.02
  • Chat - Class Color Names by Default
  • ActionBars - Fixed Typo for Micro Bar in Options Per Row
  • Minimap - Hid Toggle Minimap Button
  • UnitFrames - Fader | Range | Raid Debuffs
  • Tooltip - Fixed Guild & Level Output

Wow 1.12 Client Direct Download

Version 1.01

Classic Wow 1.12.1 Client Download

  • ActionBar - Fixed Micro Bar
  • Castbar - Fixed Icon Smiling Man (Blizzard Bug)
  • Tags - Removed Bad Tags
  • DataTexts - Removed Currencies | Fixed Bad Events
  • Misc - General Cleanup

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